Shop Local during the Holidays at Mountain Sports Ltd
Hard to believe that this is our 43rd year celebrating the Holidays at Mountain Sports Ltd. From the very beginning, MSL has been committed to offering the highest quality outdoor gear and apparel to customers here in the Tri-Cities. This is still true today and why we have been fortunate doing what we love all these years later. At the heart of MSL is a community of folks who share our passion for the outdoors, and the Appalachian mountains we call home. We have made many friends over the years and we love getting to know folks at the shop or out on the trail. From the Cheers family to you, we truly thank you for your support over the years. Each year we are humbled by folks who support us in so many ways. Whether that be by telling a friend about the shop, sharing a post about a sale, or by coming in and shopping with us. We thank you for thinking "local first" not just with MSL, but with all local businesses that make Bristol so unique. We hope to see you this weekend at MSL and throughout the holidays as we get ready for another Christmas at Mountain Sports Ltd.
Who said summer is the only time to hit the lake? Not us, the fall is our favorite time to get out on the water. The leaves are beautiful, the crowds of summer have faded away, and most of all, we love this autumn weather. Don't take our word for it though, go experience it for yourself by taking advantage of our Kayak Sale. We proudly sell made in USA kayaks that we personally select for our local waters so come see all the different models we have up to 40% off now. As always we appreciate you shopping locally at Mountain Sports Ltd and we look forward to getting you out paddling!
Time flies when you are having fun, and just like that it seems we are holding on to the last bit of summer here in the Tri-Cities. We sure hope you've had a wonderful of summer full of playing in the mountains here in Southwest Virginia, Northeast Tennessee, as well as wherever else your summer trips have taken you. Though part of us hates to see summer wrapping up, it also excites us for the season ahead, including our annual END OF SUMMER WHAT A BUMMER SALE! This sale starts this Labor Day Weekend and will be your first opportunity to get discounted apparel and gear from summer 2024. That's right, your favorite brands on sale locally at Mountain Sports Ltd. So whether your weekend plans have you going to the South Holston Lake, hiking at Grayson Highlands, or pedaling on the Mendota Trail, be sure to stop by Mountain Sports Ltd and shop our End of Summer What a Bummer Sale on your way!
Do you have a garage full of well loved outdoor gear that hasn’t seen an adventure in a while? Or maybe you’re looking for some “new to you” outdoor gear? Either way, you don’t want to miss the MSL Gear Swap this coming Saturday from 10am to 1pm.
We will have tables set up under our tent for folks to bring their own gear in hopes of finding it a new home, and make some extra bucks. This is one of our favorite events of the summer. Whether you are looking to sale some old gear or in the market for something new, we hope to see you this weekend at the MSL Gear Swap!
The birds are chirping, the temps are warming up, and so it seems that Spring has arrived in Appalachia. We couldn't be more excited for it and to celebrate the changing of the season we wanted to kick things off with an Ol Fashioned Tent Sale. That's right everything under the tent is 50% OFF so don't walk but run into Mountain Sports Ltd to get some new gear for half the price!
It may not be snowing outside but the prices sure are dropping at Mountain Sports Ltd. We are always excited to kick off our annual winter sale and this year is no different. You can expect to find lots of great deals on men's and women's winter apparel marked 30% OFF. Come treat yourself this weekend and get yourself that warm down jacket, fuzzy fleece, or wool base layer that you have been eyeballing all winter long. You will want to be quick though because this is always one of our busiest sales of the year. We hope to see you this weekend at Bristol's Local Outdoor Store, Mountain Sports Ltd.
We hope you are able to spend time with family and friends today enjoying the Holidays and celebrating all the many things we have to be thankful for. Each year it's truly a joy for us when the Holidays roll around and we get to see folks from near and far as they make their routine visit at Mountain Sports Ltd. We have made a lot of friends over the past 42 years and nothing's better than when an old friend comes in and tells us a good story that started with one of them "Cheers at MSL". This year, and every year, we invite you to come be a part of our family and hope you will make Mountain Sports Limited your home for the Holidays.
That old canoe that is taking up space in the shed...bring it! The old trusty hiking pack collecting more dust than mud now a days...bring it! The hacky sack with only two grains of rice remaining intact...well... leave that one. However bring any outdoor gear that still has life in for a new home and new adventures on Saturday August 12th to Mountain Sports Ltd for the MSL GEAR SWAP! Don't have any gear you are ready to part with (we feel your pain haha) Then just come on into the shop to add some new used gear to the collection! Please share this post to help us get the word out and we hope to see you Saturday August 12th for the MSL Gear Swap!
Looks like this weekend's forecast is calling for another round of sales at Mountain Sports Ltd with discounts dropping all over the store. The MSL Crew will be at the shop all weekend long and hope you will make it in to shop the Weekender Specials. As always we thank you for shopping local and supporting us for all your outdoor needs at Mountain Sports Ltd.
It's been one hot week here in Bristol but at last the weekend has returned which means another sale at MSL. This weekend we have decided to keep the good deals coming with markdowns on both kayaks and bikes. You know you want to hit the trail or even better go take a dip in the lake so why not do both? We will be open all weekend long and hope you will stop in and shop local for your next bike or kayak at Bristol's Local Outdoor Store, Mountain Sports Ltd.
Seems like it's as good a time as ever to have a FLASH SALE at Mountain Sports Ltd so we decided to do just that. This weekend we will be rocking and rolling with deals both in and outside the store. Shop our sale items in the tent and take an additional 20% OFF, that's right 60% OFF RED TAG ITEMS IN THE TENT! We also marked down select footwear including Hokas and Oboz for your footwear needs. As for you pedal junkies we decided to mark all remaining Specialized Bikes HALF OFF and thought we would mark Yakima Hold UP EVO Bike Racks 20% OFF. Come shop and save locally at Mountain Sports Ltd, Bristol's Local Outdoor Core Store Since 1981.
Well unfortunately we are going to postpone the Gear Swap due to the weather. We don’t have a way to keep folks and their outdoor gear dry so we made the decision to hold off until we get dry conditions! We don’t have a date set right now but it will likely be sometime this spring. Thanks for your understanding and even though the gear swap is canceled we will be open at the shop tomorrow for all your outdoor gear needs!
That old canoe that is taking up space in the shed...bring it! The old trusty hiking pack collecting more dust than mud now a days...bring it! The hacky sack with only two grains of rice remaining intact...well... leave that one. However bring any outdoor gear that still has life in for a new home and new adventures on Saturday April 8th to Mountain Sports Ltd for the MSL GEAR SWAP! Don't have any gear you are ready to part with (we feel your pain haha) Then just come on into the shop to add some new used gear to the collection!
Once again it's time for the MSL SUPER BOWL SALE, kicking off Sunday February, 12th. We will be marking Winter 2022 apparel all the way down to HALF OFF!!! If you have been thinking about a new jacket then you'd better do a 40-yard dash to the store before someone else intercepts and takes it to the house. In other words don't get a delay of game by showing up late or missing the action altogether as we expect lots of folks to tune in. Kickoff is at 1:00pm and the final whistle will blow at 5:00pm. So don't forget the route you need to run to end up in the end zone at MSL. As always we thank you so much for supporting the home team at Mountain Sports Ltd and we hope to see you Super Bowl Sunday!
The MSL Winter Sale is going on NOW with up to 40% OFF Men's and Women's Apparel and Gear
Today is Cyber Monday. A lot of folks are going to be glued to their computer scouring the internet for gifts and deals for folks, not knowing what size or color to get using only a small image to go by. Why go through this hassle when we are matching any online ad for any item we have in stock at the shop. That's right you bring in any ad from a credible online source and show it to one of the MSL Crew members and we will match it without having to deal with the hassle or headache of shipping and returns. Not only that but we will also gift wrap any item for free so there is no excuse to not shop locally this Cyber Monday at Mountain Sports Ltd.
Can you believe it's almost Christmas?
Us either so we hope you will come shop local during the Holidays at Mountain Sports Ltd.
Come one and come all to the 9TH ANNUAL GRAYSON HIGHLANDS BOULDERING AND STEWARDSHIP WEEKEND May 28th and 29th! The Grayson season is upon us and what better way to kick it off than spending a weekend with other fellow climbers and giving back to the land by doing the good work at one of Virginia's best state parks! Of course we will also find some time to do some bouldering as well, including some fantastic night climbing at the Picnic Area boulders as this is where we will be able to camp Saturday Night. We hope you will come join us and if you have any further questions, just give the folks at Central Appalachian Climbers Coalition a shout!
One Day Only Super Bowl Sale
Time to kick off a one day only SUPER SALE at MSL. We will be marking select Winter 2021 Apparel HALF OFF for the first time this year and hope you don't let someone intercept that jacket you have had your eyes on all winter long. In other words don't get a delay of game by showing up late or missing the action altogether as we expect lots of folks to show up early. Kick off is at 1:00pm and the final whistle will blow at 5:00pm. So don't forget the route you need to run to end up in the endzone at MSL. As always we thank you so much for supporting team Mountain Sports Ltd and we hope to see you Super Bowl Sunday!
The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival is coming to Bristol!!!
NEW MSL x Specialized Bike Jerseys
It's been a long time coming and it sure has been worth the wait, because the new MSL Bike Jerseys look so good! We teamed up with the folks over at Specialized to design a custom jersey that we really love and that represents the shop! We also decided to go with multiple styles such as riding tees, long sleeve shirts, road/mtn jerseys, as well as shorts to complete the kit. Women specific jerseys and bottoms are also available so be sure to swing by the shop and get fitted and kitted for your next ride!
We will be closing at 4pm today and all day tomorrow so we can ring in this New Year the right way! Bristol y'all stay beautiful and keep being awesome, we will see you all in 2022!
Less than a week until Christmas! Whether you haven't even started on finding the right gifts for everyone on your list or you have just a couple special people remaining, come shop with us Mountain Sports Ltd. Let us help you find what you need. Thank you to ALL of you that have made MSL your preferred Christmas shopping place and continue to support your local Bristol outdoor store.
We will be open from 9am till 8pm Monday -Thursday and 9am till 3pm on Christmas Eve. Once again thanks for the overwhelming support this year. We hope to see you this week to let us help you finish up your Christmas list.
Who said summer is the only time to hit the lake? Not us, the fall is our favorite time to get out on the water. The leaves are beautiful, the crowds of summer have faded away, and most of all, we love this autumn weather. Don't take our word for it though, go experience it for yourself by taking advantage of our Kayak Sale. We proudly sell made in USA kayaks that we personally select for our local waters so come see all the different models we have up to 40% off now. As always we appreciate you shopping locally at Mountain Sports Ltd and we look forward to getting you out paddling!
Time flies when you are having fun, and just like that it seems we are holding on to the last bit of summer here in the Tri-Cities. We sure hope you've had a wonderful of summer full of playing in the mountains here in Southwest Virginia, Northeast Tennessee, as well as wherever else your summer trips have taken you. Though part of us hates to see summer wrapping up, it also excites us for the season ahead, including our annual END OF SUMMER WHAT A BUMMER SALE! This sale starts this Labor Day Weekend and will be your first opportunity to get discounted apparel and gear from summer 2024. That's right, your favorite brands on sale locally at Mountain Sports Ltd. So whether your weekend plans have you going to the South Holston Lake, hiking at Grayson Highlands, or pedaling on the Mendota Trail, be sure to stop by Mountain Sports Ltd and shop our End of Summer What a Bummer Sale on your way!
Do you have a garage full of well loved outdoor gear that hasn’t seen an adventure in a while? Or maybe you’re looking for some “new to you” outdoor gear? Either way, you don’t want to miss the MSL Gear Swap this coming Saturday from 10am to 1pm.
We will have tables set up under our tent for folks to bring their own gear in hopes of finding it a new home, and make some extra bucks. This is one of our favorite events of the summer. Whether you are looking to sale some old gear or in the market for something new, we hope to see you this weekend at the MSL Gear Swap!
The birds are chirping, the temps are warming up, and so it seems that Spring has arrived in Appalachia. We couldn't be more excited for it and to celebrate the changing of the season we wanted to kick things off with an Ol Fashioned Tent Sale. That's right everything under the tent is 50% OFF so don't walk but run into Mountain Sports Ltd to get some new gear for half the price!
It may not be snowing outside but the prices sure are dropping at Mountain Sports Ltd. We are always excited to kick off our annual winter sale and this year is no different. You can expect to find lots of great deals on men's and women's winter apparel marked 30% OFF. Come treat yourself this weekend and get yourself that warm down jacket, fuzzy fleece, or wool base layer that you have been eyeballing all winter long. You will want to be quick though because this is always one of our busiest sales of the year. We hope to see you this weekend at Bristol's Local Outdoor Store, Mountain Sports Ltd.
We hope you are able to spend time with family and friends today enjoying the Holidays and celebrating all the many things we have to be thankful for. Each year it's truly a joy for us when the Holidays roll around and we get to see folks from near and far as they make their routine visit at Mountain Sports Ltd. We have made a lot of friends over the past 42 years and nothing's better than when an old friend comes in and tells us a good story that started with one of them "Cheers at MSL". This year, and every year, we invite you to come be a part of our family and hope you will make Mountain Sports Limited your home for the Holidays.
That old canoe that is taking up space in the shed...bring it! The old trusty hiking pack collecting more dust than mud now a days...bring it! The hacky sack with only two grains of rice remaining intact...well... leave that one. However bring any outdoor gear that still has life in for a new home and new adventures on Saturday August 12th to Mountain Sports Ltd for the MSL GEAR SWAP! Don't have any gear you are ready to part with (we feel your pain haha) Then just come on into the shop to add some new used gear to the collection! Please share this post to help us get the word out and we hope to see you Saturday August 12th for the MSL Gear Swap!
Looks like this weekend's forecast is calling for another round of sales at Mountain Sports Ltd with discounts dropping all over the store. The MSL Crew will be at the shop all weekend long and hope you will make it in to shop the Weekender Specials. As always we thank you for shopping local and supporting us for all your outdoor needs at Mountain Sports Ltd.
It's been one hot week here in Bristol but at last the weekend has returned which means another sale at MSL. This weekend we have decided to keep the good deals coming with markdowns on both kayaks and bikes. You know you want to hit the trail or even better go take a dip in the lake so why not do both? We will be open all weekend long and hope you will stop in and shop local for your next bike or kayak at Bristol's Local Outdoor Store, Mountain Sports Ltd.
Seems like it's as good a time as ever to have a FLASH SALE at Mountain Sports Ltd so we decided to do just that. This weekend we will be rocking and rolling with deals both in and outside the store. Shop our sale items in the tent and take an additional 20% OFF, that's right 60% OFF RED TAG ITEMS IN THE TENT! We also marked down select footwear including Hokas and Oboz for your footwear needs. As for you pedal junkies we decided to mark all remaining Specialized Bikes HALF OFF and thought we would mark Yakima Hold UP EVO Bike Racks 20% OFF. Come shop and save locally at Mountain Sports Ltd, Bristol's Local Outdoor Core Store Since 1981.
Well unfortunately we are going to postpone the Gear Swap due to the weather. We don’t have a way to keep folks and their outdoor gear dry so we made the decision to hold off until we get dry conditions! We don’t have a date set right now but it will likely be sometime this spring. Thanks for your understanding and even though the gear swap is canceled we will be open at the shop tomorrow for all your outdoor gear needs!
That old canoe that is taking up space in the shed...bring it! The old trusty hiking pack collecting more dust than mud now a days...bring it! The hacky sack with only two grains of rice remaining intact...well... leave that one. However bring any outdoor gear that still has life in for a new home and new adventures on Saturday April 8th to Mountain Sports Ltd for the MSL GEAR SWAP! Don't have any gear you are ready to part with (we feel your pain haha) Then just come on into the shop to add some new used gear to the collection!
Once again it's time for the MSL SUPER BOWL SALE, kicking off Sunday February, 12th. We will be marking Winter 2022 apparel all the way down to HALF OFF!!! If you have been thinking about a new jacket then you'd better do a 40-yard dash to the store before someone else intercepts and takes it to the house. In other words don't get a delay of game by showing up late or missing the action altogether as we expect lots of folks to tune in. Kickoff is at 1:00pm and the final whistle will blow at 5:00pm. So don't forget the route you need to run to end up in the end zone at MSL. As always we thank you so much for supporting the home team at Mountain Sports Ltd and we hope to see you Super Bowl Sunday!
The MSL Winter Sale is going on NOW with up to 40% OFF Men's and Women's Apparel and Gear
Today is Cyber Monday. A lot of folks are going to be glued to their computer scouring the internet for gifts and deals for folks, not knowing what size or color to get using only a small image to go by. Why go through this hassle when we are matching any online ad for any item we have in stock at the shop. That's right you bring in any ad from a credible online source and show it to one of the MSL Crew members and we will match it without having to deal with the hassle or headache of shipping and returns. Not only that but we will also gift wrap any item for free so there is no excuse to not shop locally this Cyber Monday at Mountain Sports Ltd.
Can you believe it's almost Christmas?
Us either so we hope you will come shop local during the Holidays at Mountain Sports Ltd.
Come one and come all to the 9TH ANNUAL GRAYSON HIGHLANDS BOULDERING AND STEWARDSHIP WEEKEND May 28th and 29th! The Grayson season is upon us and what better way to kick it off than spending a weekend with other fellow climbers and giving back to the land by doing the good work at one of Virginia's best state parks! Of course we will also find some time to do some bouldering as well, including some fantastic night climbing at the Picnic Area boulders as this is where we will be able to camp Saturday Night. We hope you will come join us and if you have any further questions, just give the folks at Central Appalachian Climbers Coalition a shout!
One Day Only Super Bowl Sale
Time to kick off a one day only SUPER SALE at MSL. We will be marking select Winter 2021 Apparel HALF OFF for the first time this year and hope you don't let someone intercept that jacket you have had your eyes on all winter long. In other words don't get a delay of game by showing up late or missing the action altogether as we expect lots of folks to show up early. Kick off is at 1:00pm and the final whistle will blow at 5:00pm. So don't forget the route you need to run to end up in the endzone at MSL. As always we thank you so much for supporting team Mountain Sports Ltd and we hope to see you Super Bowl Sunday!
The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival is coming to Bristol!!!
The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival is coming to Bristol and we can't wait for you to join us for a night of celebrating the outdoors. We are thrilled to be apart of this outdoor film festival that is taking place at the newly renovated Cameo Theatre. This event takes place on Saturday March 5th with doors opening at 6:00pm with the films beginning at 7:00pm. Follow the link below for more info as well as to buy tickets!
Click To Learn MoreNEW MSL x Specialized Bike Jerseys
It's been a long time coming and it sure has been worth the wait, because the new MSL Bike Jerseys look so good! We teamed up with the folks over at Specialized to design a custom jersey that we really love and that represents the shop! We also decided to go with multiple styles such as riding tees, long sleeve shirts, road/mtn jerseys, as well as shorts to complete the kit. Women specific jerseys and bottoms are also available so be sure to swing by the shop and get fitted and kitted for your next ride!
We will be closing at 4pm today and all day tomorrow so we can ring in this New Year the right way! Bristol y'all stay beautiful and keep being awesome, we will see you all in 2022!
Less than a week until Christmas! Whether you haven't even started on finding the right gifts for everyone on your list or you have just a couple special people remaining, come shop with us Mountain Sports Ltd. Let us help you find what you need. Thank you to ALL of you that have made MSL your preferred Christmas shopping place and continue to support your local Bristol outdoor store.
We will be open from 9am till 8pm Monday -Thursday and 9am till 3pm on Christmas Eve. Once again thanks for the overwhelming support this year. We hope to see you this week to let us help you finish up your Christmas list.
Black Friday and Shop Local Saturday at Mountain Sports Ltd
We hope this message finds you in great spirits and in good company as you enjoy your Thanksgiving with friends and family. We know how blessed we are at Mountain Sports Ltd to turn this passion of ours into a career as we celebrate the 40th year of MSL in 2021. It's hard to believe that it all started back in 1981. We feel so fortunate to call Bristol home and are thankful to provide the tri-cities with quality outdoor gear and apparel. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for all the wonderful customers, who have become friends. Throughout the last 40 years you have continued to help us keep our dream alive.
Today enjoy your time with friends and family. After you have had your fill of turkey, sweet potatoes, and pie we look forward to your visit as we host our Black Friday and Shop Local Saturday Sale. This is one of MSL’s biggest days of the year and to help us celebrate 40 years we will be giving out limited edition MSL Tees with the purchase of $75 or more the entire weekend. Cheers for shopping Local at Mountain Sports Ltd!
Thank You Veterans
Today is a day when we remember those that have served bravely to protect this great country of ours and defend freedom for ALL. For those that have served and are currently serving, Happy Veterans Day! 15% OFF for all Veterans now through Sunday Nov 14th. Must show military ID upon checkout. Photo: MSL Friend and Veteran Aaron Parlier going big on an even bigger roof in SWVA!
Monster's on our Local Water!
We hope your weekend looks a little something like this...MSL Fly Fishing Guide Jimmy Cheers getting it done yet again with a more than satisfied client who just landed a legit monster out of our local waters!
MSL Fly Tying Classes Start Back Up in November!
It’s official…we changed our clocks preparing for winter, which means it’s time to restart our famous MSL Fly Tying Classes. Classes are held each Thursday at 6pm starting this week, November 11 in the store. People of all ages and abilities are welcome to attend and it is absolutely free! Our experienced instructors will lead participants through each step with all materials and equipment provided by MSL. You can expect to leave each hour-long class with a new fly or two plus you can purchase all the supplies you need to tie each pattern you learn at home. So come along each week to share your fish tales from summers past and fill your fly box for ones to come. No reservations needed but call the store with any questions. See you Thursdays!
It’s official…we changed our clocks preparing for winter, which means it’s time to restart our famous MSL Fly Tying Classes. Classes are held each Thursday at 6pm starting this week, November 11 in the store. People of all ages and abilities are welcome to attend and it is absolutely free! Our experienced instructors will lead participants through each step with all materials and equipment provided by MSL. You can expect to leave each hour-long class with a new fly or two plus you can purchase all the supplies you need to tie each pattern you learn at home. So come along each week to share your fish tales from summers past and fill your fly box for ones to come. No reservations needed but call the store with any questions. See you Thursdays!